Where were you on January 6th, 2021? I keep thinking these last years of our democracy should be savored but find they are ruined by the dismal response to the worldwide pandemic, our climate change denial in the midst of increasing violent weather and the public delusions I encounter here in Western Colorado. I understand the turning away from reality. I was scammed in the year 2021, and suffice it to say I learned a lesson about how very easy it is for another person to alter your reality in such a way that they gain power and completely alter a sane mind. This explains our Mesa County politics and our national loss of unity, the nutty conspiracies and the hatefulness given full rein.

I decided to review my 7th decade with some shine applied. The world is still full of incredible beauty, loving open hearted, fun loving people and opportunities to explore. I am so very grateful.

March trip to Portland and Washington State

Vincent on various musical instruments

May trip to Bears Ears and Grandstaff Canyon

Canyon Pintado

June – Redneck Olympics

Carbondale Neighborhood Annual Event

July – Trip to Julie’s WOLFING gig at Castle Valley Ranch

Supper Neighborhood gathering

August Vail trip – Taking the long route due to Glenwood Canyon closure.

Betty Ford Gardens

Celebrating Mom’s life and trip to Texas

Patio and cheap labor under hot August Sun

October Women’s March

My Speech on the feminine value of regeneration

October – Trip to Portland and Washington State