
Art through Time and Space

My story so far – living in exciting places at just the right time. How can I explain my good fortune in people and opportunity. My time and space has continued to offer a quiet invitation to the creative. I was not always in a secure financial or emotional/psychological state to produce art in a traditional way, but somehow I have found my way in the world of Art and Science.

I call my nautilus painting above “Pro-Life” because it is such a beautiful example of the Golden Mean, or Phi.  This is a mathematical pattern found throughout nature, having a seemingly irrational sequence.  Math is the language of time and space.

Boulder Colorado 1970-1980

Gloria in her Plumed Hat

Teaching art through the City of Boulder was a gift from my mentor, Loxie Richardson.  She moved away and left her classes to me. Teaching improved my skill level because I had to repeat the basics regularly.  When you are a realist with visual form, it is challenging to stretch yourself for the creative.  In Boulder, I taught classes at the Harbeck House, a beautiful old mansion.  My favorite model was Gloria who had exotic costumes and strength for posing.  

Carbondale Colorado 1980-1990

My Carbondale years were my portrait painting years, and as I was a cook at the local Basalt Senior Center, I had my choice of some lovely characters. Additionally I co-directed the Carbondale Preschool and Kindergarten with Sally Friend, who still holds a grudge for the way I abandoned her for higher education in Fort Collins CO, but really we were starting to starve working in childcare.

Colorado State University

I returned to school in the late 1988 to pursue a degree in occupational therapy.  While there I earned a minor in neuroanatomy.  One of my elective courses was scientific illustration.

Drawing from another illustration, The Inner Ear

Grand Junction

I moved to Grand Junction in 1992, after graduating from CSU in Occupational Therapy.  I was obsessed with the landscape;


My kids were risk takers, the early adopters of extreme sports and I channeled my worry through capturing their poses in mid air. 

Yoga poses

Throughout my early years in Grand Junction I opened my home to occupational therapy students, students of the Yoga Academy and travel nurses.  Sometimes the Yoga students would pose as models.

            Art and Science

God touching Bill Gates, our new world order;

Bill Gates at the Sistine Chapel
A Celtic Brain. Monks who saved our literature in elaborate manuscripts

Art for Political Change

Oil Portraits of Female Heroes from around the World

One thought on “Art through Time and Space”

  1. And so it is; vibrant, good, alive, patient. Thank you for your life and your discipline to free your expressive nature, Tanya. You are a better person.

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