Politics in Grand Junction Colorado 2018

A Candidate for CO HD55

In March of 2018 I attended a candidate training and noted that here in our area we have a one party ticket. I blindly chose an open slot, and visited my would-be opponent to make sure it was necessary. The main difference between us being her doubt that climate change is human caused. I want to leave our children a chance for a prosperous future, clean air and water and a healthy planet. I put my name on the ballot for a Colorado House of Representative seat – District 55.

Then, I promptly took off on a trip to Portland to write my stump speech and get my website up and running. I did not know even the basics of campaign finance, or state budgeting or anything about all of the state agencies. I had a steep learning curve, but to my credit I gave it a go, and I had a tremendous amount of support. Here are just a few pictures of the fun and support I experienced;

My friend and campaign manager, Yvonne Finch made this all possible. She managed campaign finances and their strict report requirements, built our campaign team, arranged house parties, managed social media, prepared mailings, attended briefings with me from District businesses, non-profits, and government agencies….

Video By Joel Dyar

Fundraising entails house parties, calls for money from me directly, and making use of Democratic functions.

So many events! Parades, Debates, Sentinel Interviews, Questionnaires from interest groups, Coffee Coffee Coffee!

My Message

My message was about restoring a middle class status in Colorado. Working people require a foundation of safety and security – this is not just about good law enforcement but directly related to; affordable healthcare and housing, mental health services, quality education and clean air and water.

Here in Western Colorado, we can lead with a renewable energy economy. We have the engineering background, progressive energy managers and all the sunshine we could ask for! We need to be realistic about our carbon lifestyles. With climate change from our emissions of greenhouse gases we will suffer increasing exacerbated drought. We can both prosper and live within our environmental limits – leaving no one behind.

The End

My opponent bagged 63% of the vote and I am very proud of the almost 13,401 (37%) votes I garnered. This was the result of a lot of progressives getting together and doing the right thing for our District 55.

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Tanya Travis is a pastel artist and occupational therapist.

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